Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Incredible Hulk

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Well, I was already perfectly content with Ang Lee's Hulk myself, but apparently the rest of the world begs to differ. They're all like, "how dare anybody try to make a slow and thoughtful comic book movie. We wanna see shit get smashed!" So here it is, the shit-gets-smashed version of Hulk.

It's not bad, I liked it. Hell, I'll be the only person ever to say this, but I liked it a little more than Iron Man. I gotta give it up to the filmmakers here for finally not doing an origin story... I am so fucking sick of origin stories.

You know what the biggest problem with this movie is? I think it might have been a problem with the original, too. As cool as some of the action is, you're completely disconnected from it, because you don't associate the Hulk with Bruce Banner. I mean, logically I understand they are the same person, but since the Hulk looks and acts completely different, and is obviously a special effect, you don't get the sense that it's Bruce inside. He's just this big CG thing, not a character. For me, the movie's best action scene was the first one, where an un-Hulked Banner is getting chased by the military. Since we kinda care about Banner, it's more exciting. Then he turns into the Hulk, and it becomes an empty (if somewhat entertaining) technical exercise is special effects.

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