Monday, December 24, 2007

Charlie Wilson's War

Monday, December 24, 2007

Gonna make this a quick one. Entertaining movie, definitely not a great one. A lot of good performances, but they all seem to get swept under the carpet by the end as the movie's story gets bigger and bigger. It makes the last half hour or so very informative, but not much of a dramatic/emotional experience.

Mike Nichols' filmography is a mixed bag to me, and this is a movie I have mixed feelings about. I do appreciate the lack of Graduate-esque show-off camera wankery (with a few unfortunate exceptions). I think he's a lot better when he's just being straightforward, trying to tell a good story with good characters. He has both here. He's good at getting strong performances out of his actors. But like I said before, by the end it all sort of gets downplayed by the bigger story he's telling.

Wait for DVD.

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