Monday, December 3, 2007


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Fido is a sort of a boy-and-his-loyal-dog type of movie, intentionally corny and set in a deliberately over-exaggerated version of the 1950s. Only the twist is that Fido isn’t a dog, he’s a zombie. Seems that mankind has survived a zombie outbreak a la Night of the Living Dead, and now they’ve sort of domesticated the undead and made them household servants. So it’s like Lassie meets Land of the Dead.

This is an amusing concept. And the movie has a lot going for it, especially a game cast (the kid who plays little Timmy is perfect as a gee-shucks sweet ‘lil guy). Still, this is basically a one-joke premise, and they can’t sustain 90 minutes with it. There are a lot of smiles, but not enough laughs. Probably a great idea for a comedy sketch, not so hot at feature length.

Novel, amusing, but not really worth your time.

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