Friday, May 23, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I didn't plan it, but now that I think of it, The Hidden Fortress and Castle in the Sky were perfect movies to watch before checking out the new Indiana Jones. That's three rollicking action/adventure movies in a row about a ragtag group of adventurers on a dangerous quest. Good times!

Like everyone else on the planet, I love Indiana Jones. Unlike pretty much everyone else on the planet, though, my favorite has always been Temple of Doom. I know, right? That's nobody's favorite. But I love it. It's got all my favorite action scenes (especially the mine cart chase, and the mind-blowingly extended opening sequence) and I like all the weird, dark, violent visuals. It's like someone took Raiders and then added 15% horror movie to it.

I avoided reading too much about Crystal Skull and really tried not to get myself too worked up over it. I knew low expectations was the way to go. First of all, as much as I love Indy he's not quite as special to me as, say, Star Wars or Back to the Future. Secondly, it's kinda weird that they're returning to this series almost 20 years later... and I mean, we all know what happened last time a beloved George Lucas property returned after a long absence. I knew I would see Crystal Skull, hell I'd go even if everyone said it sucked, but I hadn't been obsessing over its release like some folks.

Well, I am happy to report that I loved the new Indiana Jones just as much as the rest of the series. Shit, I'll go ahead and say that I liked it more than The Last Crusade. It was magical, exciting, nonstop fun, etc etc. After being totally underwhelmed by Iron Man and completely baffled by its runaway popularity and critical lauding, it pleases me to no end to see an actually, no shit for real great summer popcorn movie this year. Hoo-ray.


Shenan said...

So after reporting back to my dad that I too loved the movie, he asked me, "And of course, it was full of archaeologically accurate details about ancient cultures and about archaeolgists themselves, right?" or something along those lines. And I responded with "Yep, that's pretty much all I did last summer, get chased by Incas."

But I loved it as well, and had also heard very little about it/was a little suspect of Harrison Ford returning to play Indy at like age pushing 70. But he pulled it off very well.

Patrick said...

I'll agree with your post 100% except just switch "last crusade" for "temple of doom" each time one is mentioned and 15% comedy instead of horror. I particularly liked the weirdness of the atomic bomb sequence and I would rank the chase through the college as one of the best of the entire series.