Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Conversation

Monday, February 4, 2008

I feel guilty. It's time for a confession.

On Sunday, I had started watching On the Waterfront as part of my Kommittment to Klassiks, being all charitable and Jesus-esque in giving Elia Kazan another shot even though I'm a little lukewarm on his films. So I get like, shit I don't even know how far into it an I realize that I'm not paying much attention, and I'm not sure I'm in the mood to watch it, and really I had wanted to watch it with Shenan because she has a crush on Marlon Brando but we didn't get a chance, and I don't know let's for the sake of argument say that I was pretty drunk at the time. I turned it off, sealed it up in it's Netflix envelope and sent it back from whence it came.

I know, I know. That doesn't show much Kommitment.

So, to make up for it, I decided that Monday night I would have to watch a legit masterpiece, so I pulled out my copy of Francis Ford Coppola's The Conversation. It's my favorite of his, although in the spirit of confession, I don't really think The Godfather is anything special and I haven't even seen all of part 2. Probably an avenue I should explore this year with my K2K.

Anyways, it's still a great movie.

On an unrelated note, if I can maintain the (so far fairly consistant) rate of movie watching for an entire year, I will watch something like 547 movies, which comes to something like 38 days worth. Assuming my hastily done math is correct.

1 comment:

Shenan said...

you are posting from work! shame on you!

i was hoping you'd write a little more about the conversation itself, mainly to refresh my memory on it (though, i could always borrow it from you and watch it again). because i recall really loving it at the time when i saw it (...like two years ago now) but i don't really remember the specifics of why.