Wednesday, July 23, 2008

21 Up

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Continuing the Up Series here. My feelings are the same as before, that this is a great idea for a documentary series and is a pretty fascinating watch. And it's growing more fascinating the older these folks get.

Technically, I think this was is a little better made than the first two. There's a little more juxtaposition of words and images rather than just holding long shots on the subjects' faces. And they are improving at comparing/contrasting the different subjects, even going so far as to ask individuals what they think of the other subjects of the series. Even better, they let the interviewees complain about the earlier films in the series and how they were portrayed in them.

On the downside, I think perhaps the director asks a few too many leading questions, as if he's trying to impose a narrative onto the subjects' lives, rather than just watch them unfold. This leads to a lot of scenes where the interviewees balk at his questions and reject their premise... I think perhaps he's making too many assumptions about their lives.

That's more a minor quibble than anything, and I'm still extremely enthusiastic about watching the rest of the series as it stands so far. The plan is to do this every Wednesday, so let's see if I can keep it up.


Shenan said...

we need to do an awards show for all the characters in this series at the end of it. some preliminary ideas:

best transformation: the little kid who was like, "every day when i come home, my mummy gives me a cup of tea, and then i go outside to play! and then we have supper, and then i take my bath and go to bed around 7!" who is now squatting in an abandoned building.

best lack of transformation: the future little fascist dictator guy.

Dan said...

yeah, the squatter guy is actually kind of depressing, because he seemed like a pretty normal kid, but you figure he's got to have mental problems or something, judging by the things he says and what he's doing.

Shenan said...

he didn't quite seem like he had mental problems to me. i didn't get that impression. he just seemed like an "i'm going to reject everything about the way i was raised!" type guy.