Wednesday, July 30, 2008

First Blood

Monday, July 28, 2008

Shenan bought all the Rambo movies on a whim, which is weird because she hadn't even seen 1-3 and doesn't normally like action movies. So now we've instituted "Rambo Mondays" for the next several weeks, to go through this uniquely convolutedly-titled series.

I hadn't seen First Blood since I was a little tyke, and it wasn't exactly what I remembered. I saw the new Rambo back when it came out in theaters, and really loved the action but was iffy on the plot and dialogue, which was occasionally awesome but also kind of bordered on corny or just plain bad at times. I prefer good story and character work in an action movie, but I don't require it, so I still liked it. But my memory of First Blood, of the first Rambo movie, was of a serious, well-made drama with some good action scenes. Worlds apart from the sequels. And if I'm not mistaken, it has a critical reputation that the others don't.

So my point is I was surprised when First Blood turned out to be a lot like Rambo: it's a very well-made action movie with inconsistent writing, and some occasional corniness. (And when I say Rambo, I mean the new Rambo, not Rambo: First Blood Part 2, although if I recall it correctly the same descriptions might fit). Stallone and Brian Dennehy both give strong performances, but Richard Crenna really hams it up as Troutman (his dialogue doesn't help), and a number of supporting characters are given some kinda bad dialogue too. Both movies have a certain pretense of drama and importance about them, although First Blood is a lot more successful since it's message doesn't contradict itself like Rambo's does.

Any ways, I'm gonna try to rank these Rambo movies as we go along, so I guess by default right now this one is the best.

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