Thursday, July 31, 2008

28 Up

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

It's actually a little hard to talk about these separately, when their magic really comes from the cumulative effect. Taken individually, each one maybe just really good, but taken together, it achieves a kind of greatness.

This is making it a little hard to rate on Netflix, although each one, in it's own way, is better than the last just by virtue of the fact that you see the subjects even further along in life. So that makes 28 Up my favorite so far, and for the first time, I was genuinely moved during the movie. One of the subjects in particular has had some unexpected developments in his life, and it got me thinking a lot about how tenuous or fragile our lives can be. Maybe it's just the fact that in this one, the subjects are now older than me, but it got me thinking about the future.

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