Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Alien Vs. Predator - Requiem

Next up in the marathon, we followed No Country immediately with AvPR. I know, I know. Not the best matched combo, but for whatever reason we decided it was the only other movie that made sense.

Well, I know Andy doesn't agree with me here, but I actually think this movie is better than No Country.... just fucking with you, I mean it's actually better than the first AvP. Which is to say, it's a really mediocre waste of time, but that it didn't inspire any hatred in me.

Of course, I have an almost irrational hatred of the films of Paul WS Anderson, but still. This one is better. More blood, less unnecessary exposition and pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo. Also, this time a Generic Blonde Hottie gets into her skivvies. Although, now that I think about it, this flick was rated R, so we should have at least gotten some tits. I feel a little gypped.

What's kind of funny is that these movies have had the (terrible) idea of bringing Aliens to modern day America I guess as a last ditch effort to inject some blood into a dying premise, but then they completely don't do anything interesting with the new setting.

In this one, the aliens and a predator end up in some small town. The heroes include some wannabe badass rolling back into town after being gone a few years, his teenage brother, the above mentioned Generic Blonde hottie the brother wants to fuck, her asshole jock boyfriend, and the skeptical local sheriff who doesn't realize what's up until the shit has already hit the fan. That's right, the aliens have pretty much accidentally landed in a generic 80's slasher movie.

Actually, realizing that this is just a Friday the 13th sequel with Aliens instead of Jason is what made me not hate this movie as much as I could have. Yeah, as an Alien movie, it's pretty embarrassing, but as a lesser Jason movie, it's kind of acceptable.

Or, well, that's being a little generous. It's not intolerable.

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