Friday, January 4, 2008

The Science of Sleep

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I don't have a lot to say here. I feel the same way at I usually do about Michel Gondry's films... it took a lot of imagination and energy to create, but the end result does not engage me on an emotional level.

Gael Garcia Bernal is (typically) good in this, but damn is this one obnoxious character. I'll give him and Gondry credit and assume that he was supposed to be irritating (and not lovable, as I occasionally feared they were going for), but still sympathetic. They don't really succeed in making him sympathetic, though, and it hurts the final product. He's so socially awkward and weirdly obsessive that you just don't like being around the guy.

It's possible to have this kind of character in a movie and build empathy for him, though. Look at something like One Hour Photo. Robin Williams is a complete fucking nut in that one, but you at least feel some understanding of his loneliness. Garcia Bernal just comes off like a whiny bitch in this movie.

I'm still looking forward to Be Kind, Rewind, though.

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