Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Monday, March 18, 2008

OK, so there's a group of guys with psychic powers who meet out in the woods for a hunting trip every year, and they run into some sort of weird alien invasion where the aliens impregnate you with a virus and the new alien shoots out of your ass (after making you fart a lot) and it turns out that they got their psychic powers from a retarded kid when they were teenagers and there are extended flashbacks of this and then about 1/3 of the way into the movie a bunch of military guys lead by Morgan Freeman show up to fight the aliens which leads to a bunch of action scenes that don't have much to do with anything, and then one of the psychic guys' body is taken over by an alien with a british accent so he hides in a warehouse that exists only in his own mind and...

...This movie is a work of lunacy, and this is maybe my 3rd or 4th time seeing it and I still can't believe this much money was spent on a movie this strange. Definitely worth your time if you like this sort of stuff.

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