Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Undead or Alive

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Back when I was in high school, I had an idea for a zombie western. It was going to be called The Quick and the Undead. It was going to be about Billy the Kid's gang running afoul of a zombie plague. It would be really violent, and there would be zombie cowboys and zombie horses and all that shit. At the end, Billy would get bit and ride off into the sunset slowly turning into a zombie, like some sort of zombified take on Shane. I actually believe I wrote an outline at some point. It wasn't a very unique idea, but somebody actually went and really did make a zombie western called The Quick and the Undead. I refuse to see it because of my close ties to the name.

Well, I mention all that because I don't have much to say about Undead or Alive, which is a zombie western comedy (billed as a "zombedy") . It's not particularly funny, it's forgettable and it stars Chris Kattan, but it's not painful or boring either. Just bland.


Shenan said...

oh dan, you always insist on finishing movies, or give noncommittal responses as to whether or not you're enjoying them (a la "it's all right..."), when i rent movies you obviously are not enjoying. i then feel bad for wasting your weekends with them. i KNEW you didn't like either of these! haha, but now my rightness is confirmed and i win. even if you did have to tell me through your blog.

Dan said...

well, like I said, "Perfect Witness" had some potential. I wouldn't call it a bad movie. It's just not a very good one, either.

I think the problem is that you are too trusting of DVD boxes at video stores... when renting relatively unknown indie movies to direct to video releases, it's always best to do a little research.

Shenan said...

i wasn't complaining about my taste. i was complaining about your inability to tell me you want to stop watching a movie.

Dan said...

um, I never want to stop watching a movie. unless I am painfully bored or have to leave, I always stick a movie out.
