Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Saw IV

Saturday, March 8, 2008

I put this on at about 1 Saturday night after Shenan fell asleep. It's shorter than I remember, considering that it has enough plot for about 5 movies. But that's what I dig about these movies. Although I thought the first Saw was an effective thriller, there is nothing remotely scary about the sequels. Instead, I enjoy the over-the-top violence and the insanely complex, ridiculous stories. I know I've brought this up a few times here, but the ending of this one, where it turns out that all the events were happening concurrently with part 3, is something special. It's that kind of extra effort in craziness that brings me out to these movies every year. And lord knows I'll be first in line for Saw V.

Side thought: I'm still tickled that "It's a Trap" is the tagline for this movie.

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